Unlike job seekers, recruiters are almost never late for a meeting. But in some recruiting agencies, the situation is quite typical when a candidate who comes for an interview is forced to wait fifteen, twenty, or even more minutes for his recruiter. If you have to wait in the corridor, this is slightly humiliating, and if in the meeting room it is doubly humiliating, because it means that the recruiter is not just not busy with another job seeker, but solves some extraneous issues, making the busy person wait. A professional recruiter understands the importance of not only his time, but also the time of his applicants.
Invalid job information
Everyone lies, and some recruiters, too. Sometimes unscrupulous employees of recruiting agencies slightly embellish the conditions offered by the company in order to simply lure a potential candidate for an interview. It is possible that such tactics work, but such an attitude towards applicants leaves an imprint on the business reputation of not only the recruiter, but also the company that he represents. Another option for cheating is that the applicant is offered the wrong position for which he spent time arriving for an interview. Or, having already started duties, a person realizes that he was thoroughly misinformed regarding the specifics of his work. A professional recruiter values his reputation and builds relationships with candidates on trust, and this eliminates the use of deceitful maneuvers.
Often, having come for an interview, the candidate is forced to do a lot of paper work: fill out questionnaires, answer the questions of multi-page tests - do everything that he could do before arriving at the agency’s office without leaving his home and sending the results by e-mail or fax . Most often, in such a primitive way, a very busy recruiter simply develops a client base for himself, filling in the necessary papers in the literal sense with the hands of customers. This approach to business, to put it mildly, does not suit applicants. A professional recruiter uses all the power of modern communication technologies, and does not spend tons of paper and non-free time of his candidates.
Arrogance, coupled with amateurism
One of the intermediate tasks of any recruiter is to arrange for an interlocutor to analyze his personal and professional qualities as efficiently as possible. Goodwill allows you to establish initial contact with the interlocutor. If the recruiter takes the position of a benefactor in relation to his candidates - this is not good, but if such condescending patronage is also aggravated by elements of banal rudeness - it’s completely out of the blue. Stupid questions that clearly demonstrate the incompetence of the recruiter in the specifics of the offered vacancy can serve a poor job even for an employee with many years of experience in searching for specialists, making the applicant doubt the professionalism of the recruiter and the interest of the company. A professional recruiter is not only extremely friendly and considerate, but is also as knowledgeable as possible about the features of the company being represented and the specifics of the job offered to the candidate.
“I'll call you back” - this wording is perceived in 90% of cases as a veiled refusal and in 95% of cases it is. Very often, this phrase ends with absolutely any, even successful interview: the recruiter thus promises to personally call back and report the results. As practice shows, in the event of a real refusal, they do not always call back: a not too conscientious recruiter simply does not spend his time on this, not particularly considering the feelings and plans of the applicant. A professional recruiter cherishes all the candidates who have worked out, and therefore honestly reports preliminary results of the interview. And always fulfills these promises.
Mutual claims between professional job seekers and job seekers can be counted a great many. But they are all leveled, if you remember that the basis of mutual understanding between recruiters and candidates is strict observance of uncomplicated business etiquette. Just like all ingenious.
Invalid job information
Everyone lies, and some recruiters, too. Sometimes unscrupulous employees of recruiting agencies slightly embellish the conditions offered by the company in order to simply lure a potential candidate for an interview. It is possible that such tactics work, but such an attitude towards applicants leaves an imprint on the business reputation of not only the recruiter, but also the company that he represents. Another option for cheating is that the applicant is offered the wrong position for which he spent time arriving for an interview. Or, having already started duties, a person realizes that he was thoroughly misinformed regarding the specifics of his work. A professional recruiter values his reputation and builds relationships with candidates on trust, and this eliminates the use of deceitful maneuvers.
Often, having come for an interview, the candidate is forced to do a lot of paper work: fill out questionnaires, answer the questions of multi-page tests - do everything that he could do before arriving at the agency’s office without leaving his home and sending the results by e-mail or fax . Most often, in such a primitive way, a very busy recruiter simply develops a client base for himself, filling in the necessary papers in the literal sense with the hands of customers. This approach to business, to put it mildly, does not suit applicants. A professional recruiter uses all the power of modern communication technologies, and does not spend tons of paper and non-free time of his candidates.
Arrogance, coupled with amateurism
One of the intermediate tasks of any recruiter is to arrange for an interlocutor to analyze his personal and professional qualities as efficiently as possible. Goodwill allows you to establish initial contact with the interlocutor. If the recruiter takes the position of a benefactor in relation to his candidates - this is not good, but if such condescending patronage is also aggravated by elements of banal rudeness - it’s completely out of the blue. Stupid questions that clearly demonstrate the incompetence of the recruiter in the specifics of the offered vacancy can serve a poor job even for an employee with many years of experience in searching for specialists, making the applicant doubt the professionalism of the recruiter and the interest of the company. A professional recruiter is not only extremely friendly and considerate, but is also as knowledgeable as possible about the features of the company being represented and the specifics of the job offered to the candidate.
“I'll call you back” - this wording is perceived in 90% of cases as a veiled refusal and in 95% of cases it is. Very often, this phrase ends with absolutely any, even successful interview: the recruiter thus promises to personally call back and report the results. As practice shows, in the event of a real refusal, they do not always call back: a not too conscientious recruiter simply does not spend his time on this, not particularly considering the feelings and plans of the applicant. A professional recruiter cherishes all the candidates who have worked out, and therefore honestly reports preliminary results of the interview. And always fulfills these promises.
Mutual claims between professional job seekers and job seekers can be counted a great many. But they are all leveled, if you remember that the basis of mutual understanding between recruiters and candidates is strict observance of uncomplicated business etiquette. Just like all ingenious.
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